ADHD Testing - What You Need to Know


An ADHD specialist can help you determine if your child is suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). You can refer your child to a professional through your personal physician, insurance company, or individual therapist. Psychologists are often trained to conduct psychological evaluations and some psychiatrists have training in ADHD diagnosis. You can also find a psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD through a directory or by searching for a professional in your area. Find the right expert to help you at :

For a proper diagnosis of ADHD, your physician will want to review the social and medical histories of your child and you. There are also some medical conditions that are similar to ADHD. If you are seeking a diagnosis of ADHD, your doctor will want to back up their diagnosis with objective tests. A physician will discuss ADHD testing with you to help you understand what to expect. The doctor will also be able to tell you if you have co-occurring conditions, including other mental illnesses.

When you take your child for ADHD screening, your doctor will likely order a physical examination, as well as a series of tests to identify other causes of your child's behavior. Typically, a child will be evaluated in person by a pediatrician, but some doctors may ask the child to complete a questionnaire or observe them outside the home. This is especially important if your child is homeschooled. You may need to gather information from other family members to ensure that your child is suffering from ADHD.

For an adult to be diagnosed with ADHD, symptoms must have been present prior to the age of twelve, and must have been corroborated by a parent or other person. To be eligible for ADHD testing, an individual must show significant impairment in two major settings. Impairment can mean anything from losing a job because of the symptoms to financial difficulty due to impulsive spending or failing to pay bills on time. Sometimes, it may even mean a child's grades being lowered due to the impulsive behavior.

Although ADHD is the most common form of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it is important to remember that other psychiatric disorders may also have similar symptoms. Performing a comprehensive cognitive exam, or CPT, will help identify any other issues a patient may be suffering from. For example, if your child has a history of bipolar disorder or incipient psychosis, he or she may actually be suffering from depression, bipolar disorder, or an anxiety disorder. Sometimes, these problems are characterized by obsession.

During the screening process, the healthcare practitioner on this website page will ask the patient to recall his or her symptoms from childhood to present. A family member or partner may also be interviewed with you. The interview usually takes one to two hours. The doctor will ask standardized questions to maximize the chance that a similar diagnosis is made. Each question has a correlation with one of nine characteristics of ADHD. Once the assessment is complete, the psychologist will provide you with a diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

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